Christine Barnum - Up Close and Personal

Christine Barnum - Up Close and Personal

Talented, attractive, humorous, and intelligent all describes Ms. Christine Barnum, a self-confessed people-watcher who is also a talented tattoo artist and part-time model.  Through giggles and laughter, Christine tells us about her career, her inspirations, and her hatred towards an over-active, horn-honking, train conductor. She also speaks about her dream of becoming a D.J. and how it began and ended.But don’t let her charming hotness distract you from her intellectual business sense. She's on the move and ready to make an impact.We first ran into Ms. Barnum at the Motion show, her charm and personality hooked us... Ok, maybe it was the glasses or her petite figure. Or, maybe it was her smile. Those are all besides the point, the point is, watch the video and enjoy Ms. Barnum...and don’t forget to watch it to the end.We thank Christine for allowing us to bug her during business hours and giving us the time and day to chitchat with her.You can get a hold of Christine through twitter and facebook.Special thanks to: Showdown Tattoo Parlor and PVR Motorsports.@DaYUUMDen[youtube=]  

The Real “Back in the Day” in SoCal!!!

The Real “Back in the Day” in SoCal!!!

AutoCon - Toys for Tots 2011

AutoCon - Toys for Tots 2011